
Supporters 2024

Want to fly the flag and show your rainbow credentials?

The Pride in Hull official Pride Supporters package helps small local businesses and organisations connect with their LGBT+ audience.

Fly the flag

Showing your support for LGBT+ causes also shows that you care and want to make a difference in the world, whether that’s sending a message to customers, employees or those passing by.

We wanted to find a way to help LGBT+ people, whether they are local to the area or visiting the city from further afield, to seek out those businesses that support LGBT+ causes, the places where they will be welcomed with open arms. We also wanted to find a way for you to get that message out to your potential customers. The Pride in Hull Official Supporters Programme does just that.

At its heart it is way for businesses to show their support for the LGBT+ community by displaying an official window sticker endorsed by Pride in Hull, to be listed on the Pride in Hull website and in our main publication, the annual Pride Guide, which saw 15,000 copies distributed around the city and handed out on the day of Pride last year.

The package costs £250 and helps to fund one of the most inclusive and fun events in the city. It includes one official window sticker, a listing on the Pride in Hull website and in the Pride Guide, and a shout-out on social media when you sign up, plus Pride in Hull wristbands and other goodies. We regularly encourage our audience on social media, which regularly exceeds 1 million people between June and September alone, to look out for the window stickers and support the businesses that support them.

Pride in Hull 2018-636 (1)
Pride in Hull 2018

Get your supporters pack

You can apply for your Supporters pack online and we’ll deliver it to you. Still have questions? Get in touch.

Our 2024 supporters




Friends of Pride