Amazing at first aid? Expert litter picker? Marketing genius? Just REALLY ENTHUSIASTIC?
Whatever your skills, you can help make Pride happen.
Pride in Hull is a 100% volunteer-run organisation. Whether you can spare a few hours on the day itself or you're looking at a more long-term commitment, we need amazing people like you (Yes, you are! Don't be bashful!).
So what's in it for you?
- A warm fuzzy feeling - honestly, there is nothing better than being told what Pride in Hull means to someone from that actual person whose life you've changed for the better
- Support and training to help you excel in your role, where it's useful
- Extremely snazzy volunteer t-shirts
- An absolutely lovely group of potential new BFFs
- A genuinely unique experience that'll sing on your CV
- An invite to a super special post-Pride party
- Untold, bizarre, could-only-happen-at-Pride experiences
- And did we mention that fuzzy feeling? OMG.
Specific roles
If you're interested in really getting stuck in, we're on the lookout for volunteers to join our team in specific roles.
Woman's Advocate
Women's advocate to support the charities in developing is support and advocate for women's rights and charity activity.
Education Assistants
Education assistants are needed to support Pride in Hull's role in supporting education and employments setting by giving training and advice.
Welfare Manager
Welfare Manager to support the charity in its duty to help those in need at our events. This includes working with external agencies and safeguarding requirements.
Families Assistant
Families assistants are needed to support and develop the charities family area on the main event day.
Welfare Assistant
Welfare Assistant to support the charity Welfare manager in its duty to help those in need at our events. This includes working with external agencies and safeguarding requirements.
Charity Secretary
Charity Secretary is required to support the charities board of trustees on a range of duties, including taking minutes, organising board meetings and updating the charities commission.
Social Media Manager
Social Media Manager is needed to support the charity in communicating with the world via outline platforms.
Press Officer
The press officer must help get Pride in Hulls events and activities out to the general media and deal with any media requests we may receive.
Bid Writer
The bid Writer is required to support the board of directors in maximising funding opportunities across a range of charity activities.
Operations Managers
Operations Managers are needed to support a variety of the charity such as stalls, food vendors and ticketed areas.
Parade Volunteers Manager
Parade Volunteers Manager is needed to support the Creative Director in ensuring the parade is well organised, and those attending are supported.
Parade volunteers
Parade Volunteers are needed to support the Parade Volunteer Manager in ensuring the parade is well organised, and those attending are supported.
Volunteer Coordinator
A volunteer Coordinator is needed to support the Volunteers Director in recruiting, process and supporting volunteers across the charity.
Piqued your interest? Get in touch by emailing Whether you have a spare hour or you want to help shape the future of Pride in Hull we'd love to hear from you.
We'd especially encourage our BAME, non-binary, female, disabled and trans friends to get in touch.

Pride in Hull is a non-profit charity run by volunteers. Help us keep the rainbow flag flying by donating.